In his maiden Budget, Finance Minister said that Government has budgeted Rs. 500 crores for building 5 new IITs and IIMs.The Finance Minister later said he wanted the young eager minds of India to be more like Chetan Bhagat. " Chetan Bhagat has been a source of inspiration for all of us. His love cum sex stories have inspired lakhs of young students of India to study hard for IITs so that they can enjoy their life as he did in IIT and IIM".
When we informed Chetan Bhagat of his contribution to the Indian Budget, he could not stop his smile updating his Twitter at the same time. He said " I am glad Indian Government has finally understood the importance of such premier institutions in our country. I completed my engineering from IIT and then my management from IIM. People should know how much hard work goes into it. I am a renowed author now and contributing significantly to the Indian Economy. More IITs and IIMs means there will be more Chetan Bhagat coming out of the closet and writing their personal stories and hoping it to be storyline of a blockbuster someday.
When we asked Arvind Kejriwal about his views on this, he said "This is all a scam. This is what we are fighting for." "The Government should have allotted money only for the IITs to showcase talents like me", he later added. " I am an alumnus of IIT and I have actually contributing in Indian economy by sitting in Dharna and organizing rallies, There is no need for extra management colleges as they might end up being like Chetan Bhagat or Rahul Gandhi".
Rahul Gandhi seemed surprised when we asked him this question. But after explaining him the whole scheme of events, he said "Sorry, I couldn't listen much as I was dreaming about the movie 2 states where I am the actor opposite Alia Bhatt. People say she is as intelligent as me" he added " The BJP Government has done nothing. We brought RTI, we brought Women Empowerment, they are just trying to defame us". When we asked him the full form of IIT and IIM, he looked puzzled and said "We brought RTI"
When we informed Chetan Bhagat of his contribution to the Indian Budget, he could not stop his smile updating his Twitter at the same time. He said " I am glad Indian Government has finally understood the importance of such premier institutions in our country. I completed my engineering from IIT and then my management from IIM. People should know how much hard work goes into it. I am a renowed author now and contributing significantly to the Indian Economy. More IITs and IIMs means there will be more Chetan Bhagat coming out of the closet and writing their personal stories and hoping it to be storyline of a blockbuster someday.
When we asked Arvind Kejriwal about his views on this, he said "This is all a scam. This is what we are fighting for." "The Government should have allotted money only for the IITs to showcase talents like me", he later added. " I am an alumnus of IIT and I have actually contributing in Indian economy by sitting in Dharna and organizing rallies, There is no need for extra management colleges as they might end up being like Chetan Bhagat or Rahul Gandhi".
Rahul Gandhi seemed surprised when we asked him this question. But after explaining him the whole scheme of events, he said "Sorry, I couldn't listen much as I was dreaming about the movie 2 states where I am the actor opposite Alia Bhatt. People say she is as intelligent as me" he added " The BJP Government has done nothing. We brought RTI, we brought Women Empowerment, they are just trying to defame us". When we asked him the full form of IIT and IIM, he looked puzzled and said "We brought RTI"
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